HomeHealth articlesreduce bellyWhich Yoga Poses Can Reduce Belly Fat?

Yoga Practices to Reduce Belly Fat: Trimming the Midsection

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Belly fat is commonly seen in most people. Certain yoga poses can reduce them. Read the article below to know more about yoga poses to reduce belly fat.

Medically reviewed by

Shakti Mishra

Published At July 28, 2023
Reviewed AtDecember 4, 2023


Yoga practice regularly can help in leading a healthy lifestyle. It can help improve overall well-being and can help gain strength, improve the body's flexibility, and reduce stress. It can also be used to reduce the fat belly fat. Some yogasanas can reduce belly fat. The fat in the abdomen region is called abdominal or belly fat. Belly fat can be your two types. They include subcutaneous, which occurs directly under the skin and can be visceral, deep inside the organs. The common causes of belly fat include increased calorie diet, hormonal imbalance, and less sleep, or it can be due to family history.

Which Yoga Poses Can Reduce Belly Fat?

The yoga poses that can reduce belly fat include the following -

  1. Tadasana or mountain pose.

  2. Surya namaskar or sun salutation.

  3. Padahastasana or standing forward bend.

  4. Paschimottanasana or seated forward bend.

  5. Pavanamuktasana or wind relieving pose.

  6. Naukasana or boat pose.

  7. Ustrasana or camel pose.

  8. Uttanpadasana or raised foot pose.

  9. Marjariasana or cow cat pose or cat pose.

  10. Bhujangasana or cobra pose.

  11. Shavasana or corpse pose.

What Are the Yoga Poses That Can Reduce the Yoga Poses?

Many yoga poses help in reducing belly fat, including the following -

  • Tadasana or Mountain Pose - Mountain pose or tadasana is considered an ideal warm-up pose. This can improve blood circulation throughout the body and activate the core muscles. Stand straight on the floor. Keep the spine straight and erect. Stretch the hands in front at the shoulder level and bring the palms facing each other. Inhale, stretch the spine and bring the folded hands upwards above the head. Take a deep breath and hold in this position for 20 to 30 seconds. Exhale, relax and come back to the normal position. Repeat these steps ten times. Tadasana can improve the poster and help strengthen the abdomen, thighs, and knees. It helps in pain relief in the back muscles.

  • Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation -Surya namaskar is a combination of twelve yoga poses that impact the whole body. The forward and backward bends in surya namaskar allow stretching, and breathing will help in detoxification. Stand straight on the floor with both feet together. Expand the chest while relaxing the shoulder. Inhale and lift both hands and bring them close to the chest in a folding position. Raise the hands upwards and slowly stretch backward. Exhale, bend forward and touch the hands with the heels of the feet and forehead to the knees. Bend the right knee and stretch the left leg back while placing the palms on the floor. Then from this position, move to the downward dog position forming an inverted V shape. Lay down on the floor with the belly facing down and slowly raise the hips upwards. Inhale and stretch forward. Bent slowly upwards, keeping the leg straight on the floor. And then come back to the downward dog position forming an inverted V shape and inhale and bring the right leg forward and stretch the left leg back straight and bring the forehead to the knees while standing straight, and then come back to the position where stretching the spine back while extending the hands upwards and come back to the normal position.

  • Padahastasana or Standing Forward Bend - This pose helps reduce anxiety and heart rate. The abdominal muscles become soft. Stand straight on the floor, making the spine erect. Inhale and lift the hands upwards. Exhale and slowly bend forward so the body will parallel the floor. Take deep breaths and bend forward completely from the hips. Try to touch the bottom of the feet with the palms without bending the knees. For beginners, try to touch the toes without bending the knees. Return to the normal position and continue the same steps. Standing forward bend helps in improving digestion by relaxing the abdominal muscles. It helps strengthen the joints, and it releases mental and physical tension.

  • Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend - Sit straight on the floor while keeping the legs stretched forwards and the spine erect. The feet should be pointed upwards to the ceiling. Inhale and stretch the hands upwards over the head without bending the elbows. Exhale, slowly bend forward, bring the hands down, and touch the toes. The head should rest on the knees. For beginners, try to touch the ankles. Continue in this position for 60 to 90 seconds and slowly increase the duration. Exhale and come back to the original position and repeat these steps. This yoga position helps with various digestive problems, releases stress, and in women, it can balance the menstrual cycles.

  • Pavanamuktasana or Wind Relieving Pose - Lie down on the floor in a supine position with the arms beside the body. Slowly bend the knees upwards towards the chest. Apply pressure on the abdomen by using the thighs. Hold the knees to the chest by clasping the hands beneath the thighs. Breathe deeply, slowly lift the head, and touch the chin to the knees. Hold in this position for 6o to 90 seconds and exhale slowly. Release the knees and come back to the original position. Repeat these steps ten times. This pose helps reduce several gastric problems like indigestion and constipation and helps burn fat with the help of pressure from the thig. It also helps in strengthening the abdominal muscles and helps in digestion.

  • Naukasana or Boat Pose - Lie down straight on the floor in a supine position, keeping the leg stretched and hands beside the body. Inhale and lift the head, chest, and legs from the ground. Stretch the arms so that they will be parallel to the legs. This boat pose helps in the contraction of the abdomen muscles. Hold in this position for 30 to 60 seconds. Return to the normal position and relax. Repeat these steps seven to ten times. It helps strengthen the muscles present in the abdomen and will remove belly fat. It will also help improve the digestive organs' health and strengthen the arms and shoulders.

  • Ustrasana or Camel Pose - Start by sitting on the knees. Slowly lift the body from the knees. The heels of the feet should be perpendicular to the floor. Exhale and slowly bend back. Bring the hands behind the body and try to touch the ankle of the feet. Tilt the head backward and also stretch the spine back. Hold in this position for 20 to 30 seconds. Exhale and return to normal position. Repeat these steps five times. The camel poses help to strengthen the back muscles and can improve posture. It can also treat back pain, fatigue, and menstrual discomfort.

  • Uttanpadasana or Raised Foot Pose - Lie down straight on the back. Keep the hands beside the body with the palms facing down. Take deep breaths and slowly bend the legs upwards, keeping the leg perpendicular to the floor. The feet should be placed straight and parallel to the floor. Stretch the head and the spine straight. Hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds and return to the normal position. Repeat this asana ten times minimum. This raised foot pose helps in treating stomach-related acidity and constipation. It can also cure back pain and improve blood circulation.

  • Marjariasana or Cow Cat Pose or Cat Pose - Start from the tabletop position, with both the knees and the hands on the floor. The body should be initially parallel to the floor. The knees are placed below the hips, and the hands are below the shoulders. Keep the head and spine straight. Inhale and lift the head while pushing backward. Hold in this position for 15 to 30 seconds. Exhale and lower the head and slowly arch the back upwards. Hold in this position for 15 to 30 seconds. Slowly return to the normal position and repeat these steps ten times. This cat cows pose helps improve posture. It also helps in relieving the tension in the lower back region.

  • Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose - Lie down straight on the floor with the belly facing down. Keep the hands beside the body with the palm pacing downloads. Bring the hands below the shoulders. Slowly lift the chest and head from the floor and look upwards. Keep the legs straight. Stretch the spine and hold in this position for 15 to 30 seconds. Return to the normal position and repeat this asana ten times minimum. The cobra pose helps improve the flexibility of the back muscles and strengthen the shoulders, reducing stress and fatigue.

  • Shavasana or Corpse Pose - Lie down straight on the floor in the supine position. Keep the hands and feet stretched out. Close the eyes and breath deeply. Allow the body to relax. Corpse pose helps in getting a meditative state and helps in resting and relaxation. It reduces stress, blood pressure, and insomnia.


Belly fat can be caused due to an increase in age, genetics, or unhealthy lifestyle like poor eating habits or stress. Practicing yoga to reduce belly fat, eating healthy food habits, and getting an adequate level of sleep can also help reduce belly fat. The yoga poses focusing on the abdominal area can burn calories and make the muscles more flexible. It can improve the body's metabolism and digestion and help reduce fat.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can We Become Slim by Doing Yoga?

Yoga can aid in weight loss by encouraging mindfulness, increasing metabolism, lowering stress, enhancing strength and flexibility, regulating hormones, and heightening mind-body awareness. Certain yoga postures, such as warrior poses and Surya Namaskar, are particularly beneficial for losing weight.


What Is the Best Time for Yoga?

It is often advised to practice yoga in the morning or early evening. A whole practice can be accomplished in an energetic morning yoga session. Savasana (Corpse Pose) is the final pose to perform, regardless of the time of day or practice level. In the afternoon, you can decide to practice differently.


Does Yoga Shape Your Body?

Sure, yoga helps to tone your body, but only when combined with other workouts. Although yoga helps tone your body, one should also consider performing other activities in a weekly regimen. Exercise routines that include cardio exercises, strength training in the gym, and walks outside are also recommended.


How to Reduce Belly Fat at Home?

A few strategies to reduce belly fat are to lift weights, consume more protein, and drink less alcohol. Regular yoga practice at home can help tone the body and help one lose weight.


What Is the Role of Yoga in Maintaining Health?

Movement, breathing, and meditation are the three basic tenets of yoga, which unite the body and mind. Yoga has numerous advantages for both physical and mental well-being, such as better posture, flexibility, strength, balance, and body awareness.


How Yoga Works as a Lifestyle?

Yoga improves body tone, muscle strength, and flexibility. It enhances life, energy, and breathing. Although yoga may seem like stretching, it has far more benefits for your body regarding how you feel, look, and move. Yoga poses increase confidence, strength, and flexibility. One can achieve a healthy physical and mental state by practicing yoga regularly.


What Is the Role of Yoga in Maintaining Mental Stress?

Combining breathing and meditation in yoga might enhance one's mental health. Frequent yoga improves bodily awareness, eliminates chronic stress patterns, relaxes the mind, focuses attention, and sharpens concentration. It also fosters mental clarity and peace.


Why Is Yoga Good for Anxiety?

Yoga increases the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, such as gamma-aminobutyric acid, which may be used to alleviate anxiety and depression. It may take a single session for some people to feel less anxious, but it may take several weeks of regular practice for others. Yoga is recognized to help lower stress and anxiety by encouraging physical well-being, awareness, and relaxation.


Which Yoga Is Best for Anxiety and Depression?

Try incorporating Sun Salutations into the following yoga asana sequence to help with anxiety. Yoga poses include cat pose, cow pose, extended puppy pose, half splits, constructive rest, seated bend, and supine spinal twists.


Does Yoga Help With Overthinking?

A few yoga mudras that can assist in managing overthinking are:

- Triangle Pose, or Trikonasana

- Plank stance, or Phalakasana

- Boat position, or Navasana

- Chair pose or fierce pose: Utkatasana


Which Yoga Is Most Relaxing?

Shavasana is a yoga pose that belongs to the restorative yoga category. It restores a complete state of relaxation and helps one achieve deep relaxation.


Does Hot Water Reduce Belly Fat?

Many people recommend drinking warm water first thing in the morning since it causes our bodies to change temperature and speed up their metabolism. This aids with weight loss. Additionally, warm water breaks bodily fat into molecules, facilitating the digestive system's burning ability.


Is Yoga Enough to Lose Belly Fat?

In addition to reducing tension and increasing flexibility, yoga may target the abdominal muscles more effectively and functionally with consistent practice. But there are more advantages when yoga is combined with cardio and weight training.


How Long Does It Take to Lose Belly Fat With Yoga?

Practicing yoga alone is not ideal for losing weight. Factors like age, diet, and genetics also play a vital role in determining the results of performing yoga. However, practicing mindful eating habits and consistent yoga can achieve one's desired outcome within a few months.


Does Yoga Change Your Body Shape?

Yoga is a fantastic way to unwind, but it's also a full workout for the body and the mind. It can help with weight loss, tone muscles, and improve flexibility, all contributing to a more toned, lean body.

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Shakti Mishra
Shakti Mishra



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