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Ways to Overcome Depression

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Ways to Overcome Depression

2 min read


Depression is ubiquitous these days owing to a stressful lifestyle and busy work schedules. Children face competition and peer pressure to score well whereas some teenagers or young adults find it very difficult to overcome breakups.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Sneha Kannan

Published At March 23, 2019
Reviewed AtJune 29, 2022

Depression is ubiquitous these days owing to a stressful lifestyle and busy work schedules. Children face competition and peer pressure to score well whereas some teenagers or young adults find it very difficult to overcome breakups. Many senior citizens feel depressed because their children remove them from their house and make them stay in old age homes against their will. Yes, indeed depression is a very common and hazardous mental state. You may look fit from the outside but if you are not fit from the inside, things get even worse. Is you being tensed even worth it? Following are some of the ways to overcome depression.

1) Go for a Walk or Exercise:

Thinking about the same sad incident, again and again, will not make you feel good. Instead, engage yourself in some kind of activity like jogging and taking a long walk in the garden. You can even take a walk barefoot on the seaside. Spending some time with yourself looking at the flowing waves calms our mind down and makes us feel quite relieved. Exercise also releases certain hormones called endorphins, which are nothing but feel good hormones that make you feel energetic and lively.

2) Build up a Hobby:

Everyone is good at something or another. Some love sketching whereas some love singing or listening to some soothing music. Some just love doing some outdoor activity like playing football or cricket. Building up a hobby will make you enjoy your leisure time to the fullest and will make you feel even more optimistic in life.

3) Talk to a Close Friend and Spend Time with Your Close Friend:

There is a Hindi saying that "dukh baatne se dukh kam ho jata hai," which is indeed very apt and accurate. When you express your feelings with someone whom you trust and feel close to, you feel better. The person may be from your family like your mom or your elder sister. It may even be your best friend. If you are staying far from your family and loneliness is striking you, these days technology has bought people closer. You can video call your close ones. But be cautious not to share your secrets with everyone but only some close ones as there's a danger of secrets to be leaked out quickly. You can even spend some time with your family by going out for a movie together or going for a picnic or the beach.

4) Practice Meditation:

Practicing meditation early in the morning when you get up makes you feel calmer and stress-free and keeps you energetic throughout the day. The best part about meditating in the morning is that you get to hear the cheerful sound of the birds, which is very pleasing to the mind. If you do not get sleep in the night because of stress, you can practice ten minutes of meditation before you sleep.

Frequently Asked Questions


How Can We Treat Depression?

Depression can be treated in the following ways:
- A person with depression should try to express themselves more.
- They should eat each healthy food and drink lots of water.
- People should focus on good things and stay busy rather than dwelling on problems.
- People can also exercise regularly, meditate, or walk to refresh their bodies and mind.


Can We Treat Depression Quickly?

Depression can be treated quickly with proper medication to resolve the symptoms and taking psychotherapies from mental health professionals, such as psychologists or psychiatrists.


What Is the First Step To Treating Depression?

The first step to treating depression is realizing one has depression and seeking immediate medical help. The doctors usually prescribe first-line antidepressants to treat the initial symptoms of depression and other methods to improve the condition. These include staying connected with people, diverting from negative thoughts, engaging in activities that make one feel good, and identifying the triggers.


How Can We Overcome Depression and Overthinking?

Depression and overthinking can be cured by distracting yourself from the chain of thoughts and breaking the cycle. People can overcome these mental health issues by readjusting their life’s goals and enhancing their self-esteem. In addition, a person can understand the triggers causing depression and overthinking, plan action accordingly, and meditate to relax their mingled feelings.


How Do We Overcome Stress?

Stress can be managed in the following ways:
- Deep breathing, and meditate.
- Healthy diet.
- Talking about problems.
- Engaging in hobbies and regular exercise.
- Connect with people around you.
- Take breaks and understand your triggers and problems.


How Do We Overcome Loneliness?

We can overcome loneliness by finding an alternative to engage ourselves. For example, we can meet new people, reconnect with old friends, or reach out to family members and share our problems and thoughts. We can also eliminate loneliness by engaging in fun activities and tracking our feelings and thoughts.


How Do People Develop Depression?

People develop depression due to various reasons. Stressful life events, which can be prolonged or immediate, substance abuse, or any early childhood experiences can cause depression in a person. The condition can also occur due to any illness or unhappy and stressful family atmosphere.


How Can We Fight Anxiety?

Anxiety can be fought by keeping the mind and the body fit and healthy and with regular meditation and exercise. Adopting cognitive behavioral therapy and socializing with people can also resolve anxiety. Identifying and managing triggers and taking proper medication with a doctor's consultation can help fight anxiety.


How Do We Start With Depression?

People start with depression when they feel hopeless, irritated, angry, and helpless about their life. Symptoms like lack of interest, loss of appetite, long-lasting sadness, pessimism, and frustration indicate depression in a person.


Can Depression Make You Lose Memory?

Research has found that depression can cause forgetfulness and memory loss in a person and lead to a confused state of mind. Depression can alter a person’s decision-making power and focus and lead to mood changes and sadness. Therefore, depression can affect the cognitive abilities and memory of a person.


How Can a Person Stay Happy?

People can stay happy by boosting their self-esteem and engaging themselves in meaningful activities and relationships. In addition, they can be happy by managing their stress levels and building resilience. Also, sharing their problems and having a positive outlook can help them relieve stress and stay happy.


How Do We Stop Living in Our Heads?

We can stop living in our heads by focusing on the present moment and accepting things that are not in our control. Also, we can stop this by engaging in new things and getting exposure rather than acting as a bystander and feeling unpleasant and distressed about things and life challenges. We can redirect our thoughts and find our peace.


What Are Five Ways To Reduce Stress?

The five ways to reduce stress are as follows:
- Regular exercise.
- Deep breathing and meditation.
- Good food and a healthy lifestyle.
- Socializing with people.
- Managing triggers.


How Do We Stop Loneliness at Night?

Loneliness at night can be stopped by focusing on good things, spending quality time, playing music, calling a friend, and talking about your problems. Loneliness can also be resolved by avoiding bright screens at night and engaging in stress-relieving activities.


Does Depression Affect Our Thinking?

Depression can affect our thinking by altering our decision-making ability, memory, and attention. In addition, it can affect how a person thinks, feels, and acts, thus impairing brain function and the thinking process.
Quadros Krystel Godfrey Lavina
Quadros Krystel Godfrey Lavina



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