HomeHealth articlesyogaWhich Are the Yoga Poses That Help A Woman After C-Section?

Yoga After C-Section - An Overview

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Various yoga poses can help reduce the fat present in the stomach and reduce stress after C-section delivery in women. Read the article below to know more.

Medically reviewed by

Shakti Mishra

Published At March 8, 2023
Reviewed AtMarch 8, 2023


Yoga helps reduce belly fat after postpartum, even during the delivery by C-section. Yoga helps reduce the fat in the stomach and also helps strengthen the muscles in the abdominal area. The weight present during postpartum is natural, but it should be reduced after some time, or it will result in severe illness like obesity. After 8 to 10 weeks of delivery, a woman can start practicing yoga. During postpartum, many physical and mental problems will arise, like morning sickness, pain, weight gain, stress, anxiety, depression, etc. Yoga helps solve these problems by calming the mind and the body, which helps reduce stress and nervousness.

Which Are the Yoga Poses That Help A Woman After C-Section?

The yoga poses that help in reducing the fat present in the stomach and also to relax and calm the mind and body include the following -

  • Plank Pose or Chaturanga Dandasana - Lie on the floor on your stomach. Keep the feet perpendicular to the floor by placing the toes on the floor. Slowly lift the body from the floor by keeping both hands on the ground with palms facing downwards. Bend the elbows perpendicular to the floor and lift the body a few inches from the floor. Hold this position for one minute minimum, which helps strengthen the abdominal muscles. The plank pose is one of the best yoga asanas to reduce weight because of the involvement of many muscles present in the body. The plank pose helps strengthen the spine and muscles in the back and helps to align the body. It improves the body's posture, stability, flexibility, and core strength. It also helps strengthen the hand muscle and reduces the fat in the abdominal area.

  • Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana- Lie down on the floor on the stomach. Keep the hands beside the body on both sides near the chest. Slowly lift the upper part of the body from the ground by keeping the weight on the arms. Gaze towards the roof. The stomach should be pressed toward the ground. Hold this pose for ten seconds. Return to the normal position. The cobra pose helps strengthen the muscles in the abdomen, chest, back, spine, and shoulders, and it also helps improve blood circulation. This pose improves thyroid functions, thereby giving better results for people with hypothyroidism by stretching the throat and neck region. The Cobra pose helps in reducing the fat present around the stomach.

  • Mountain Pose or Tadasana - Stand straight on the floor by keeping the feet slightly apart. Keep the body straight and lengthen the spine. Raise the hands above the head by interlocking the fingers. Stretch the body upwards and slowly stand on the toes by lifting the heels. Continue to hold this position for a few minutes while taking deep breaths. Relax and return to the normal position. The mountain pose helps in increasing the strength and also helps in expanding the lungs. It helps increase the control and strength of the body and improves blood flow throughout the body. It is effective for losing weight.

  • Triangle Pose or Trikonasana - Stand straight on the floor by keeping the feet wide apart. Keep the right foot perpendicular to the ground and the left foot by an angulation of 15 degrees. The center of the right heel should align with the left foot. The weight of the body should be equally balanced on the feet. Take deep breaths and bend the body to the right side. The right hand should be placed towards the floor, and the left should be placed above in the air. Both hands should be in a straight line. Keep the right hand on the angle or the floor. Hold this position for a few minutes and repeat these steps on the opposite sides. The triangle pose helps stretch the spine and pelvic region, increasing flexibility and developing strength and balance. The triangle pose is useful for pregnant women. It is indicated for women after the C-section because it helps decrease the fat in the abdomen and also helps to reduce or slim the waist region. This pose helps strengthen the muscles present in the lower part of the body. It also helps reduce digestive disorders and decrease stress, anxiety, and depression.

  • Camel Pose or Ustrasana -Start from the tabletop position by keeping both knees and hands on the floor, slowly lifting the hands and placing them on the hips. The sole of the feet should be placed upwards. Bend back and keep the palms of the hands on the feet. Continue to hold this position for a few minutes while taking deep breaths. Relax and return to the normal position. The camel pose helps improve digestion and respiration by opening the chest muscles and abdominal region. It helps strengthen the shoulder muscles. The camel pose helps in massaging most of the internal organs. It also helps in improving the circulation of blood throughout the body and helps in detoxifying the blood. This pose helps women after C-section delivery to reduce belly fat.

  • Boat Pose or Naukasana -Lie down on the floor in a supine position by keeping the feet together and the hands beside the body on both sides. Lift the leg from the floor straight upwards at an angulation from the ground and slowly lift the upper part of the body from the ground. Keep the spine and legs straight. Keep both hands behind the body to get support from the ground; it can also be stretched in front. Hold this pose for 10 seconds, relax, and return to the normal position. The boat pose helps strengthen the muscles present in the core, thereby improving flexibility and stability, stimulating the internal organs in the abdomen, and helping increase digestion. The boat pose is indicated for women who want to lose weight after C-section delivery. It helps in decreasing the fat present in the stomach.


Various yoga poses can help reduce stomach fat after C-section delivery. Besides various yoga poses, breathing techniques or pranayama also help relax and calm the mind by reducing stress and depression. In addition, yoga helps strengthen the muscles present in the abdomen and also helps in improving flexibility. Before practicing yoga, start with basic stretches to warm the body and avoid muscle cramps.

Frequently Asked Questions


How Early Can a Woman Start Yoga After a C-Section?

A woman can typically start practicing yoga six to eight weeks after a cesarean section (C-section), but this timeframe may vary depending on individual recovery and medical advice. Starting with gentle yoga and modified poses can help ease the body into practice and promote healing while avoiding strain on the incision site. Listening to the body's signals and progressing gradually is essential for a safe and effective post-C-section yoga routine.


Is It Alright for a Woman to Surya Namaskar After Six Weeks of C-Section?

A woman can consider doing Surya namaskar after six weeks of a C-section, but it is crucial to approach it with caution and mindfulness. Before resuming any exercise, including Surya namaskar, the woman needs to consult with her healthcare provider to ensure that her body has healed adequately and has no complications. Starting slowly and with modified poses can help avoid strain on the abdominal muscles and incision site.


Is Yoga Gentle a Gentle Form of Exercise After a C-Section?

Yoga styles that are gentle and suitable after a C-section include Hatha yoga, Restorative yoga, and Yin yoga. These practices focus on relaxation, gentle stretching, and promoting healing without putting excessive strain on the abdominal muscles or the incision site. Modified poses and controlled movements help ease the body back into practice, providing a safe and effective way to regain strength and flexibility post-C-section.


How Can a Woman Reduce Her Tummy After a C-Section Naturally?

A woman can adopt several strategies to reduce tummy after a C-section naturally. Engaging in postnatal exercises focusing on the core, such as pelvic tilts, gentle abdominal exercises, and pelvic floor strengthening, can help tone the abdominal muscles. A balanced diet emphasizing nutritious, whole foods and staying hydrated is crucial for overall weight management. Breastfeeding, when possible, may also aid in burning calories. Gradual reintegration of physical activity, including gentle yoga and walking, can promote weight loss and overall well-being.


How Many Months Rest Should a Woman Take After a C-Section?

A woman should typically rest six to eight weeks after a C-section. The body needs time to heal during this period, and the incision site requires adequate recovery. Following the advice of healthcare professionals is crucial in determining the appropriate duration of rest based on individual circumstances. While physical rest is essential during this initial period, light activities like gentle walking can be gradually incorporated with permission from the healthcare provider.


What Yoga Poses Helps Tone Lower Belly Fat After C-Section Delivery?

Yoga can be beneficial in targeting lower belly fat after a C-section delivery. Postpartum yoga practices focusing on core strengthening, such as pelvic tilts, leg lifts, and gentle twists, can help tone and tighten the abdominal muscles. Additionally, practices like deep breathing exercises (pranayama) and mindful movement can aid in reducing stress, which may contribute to overall weight management.


How Can a Woman Look Attractive After a C-Section?

Looking beautiful after a C-section involves embracing self-care and confidence. Prioritizing rest and proper nutrition postpartum is essential for overall well-being and radiance. Regular skin care routines, such as gentle cleansing and moisturizing, can help maintain healthy skin. Once approved by a healthcare provider, engaging in light physical activities can boost mood and promote a sense of well-being.


What Is the Best Sitting Position Post C-Section?

The best sitting position post-C-section provides comfort and minimizes strain on the incision site. Sitting upright with good posture, and using a cushion or pillow for back support, can help alleviate pressure on the abdominal area. Avoiding slouching or crossing legs can also aid in reducing strain. If sitting for extended periods, taking short breaks to walk or stretch can promote blood circulation and prevent stiffness.


What Are Things to Be Avoided After a C-Section?

After a C-section, there are certain precautions and activities to avoid for a safe and smooth recovery. These include refraining from lifting heavy objects, bending, or performing strenuous exercises for at least 6-8 weeks to prevent strain on the incision site. Avoiding driving for a few weeks and using a pillow or cushion for support while coughing or sneezing can help reduce discomfort.


What Should Be the Gap Before Starting Yoga After C-Section

A woman can usually start practicing yoga about 6-8 weeks after a C-section, but individual recovery may vary. It's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before resuming yoga to ensure the body has adequately healed and there are no complications. Starting with gentle yoga and modified poses can help avoid strain on the abdominal muscles and incision site.


What Should Be Kept in Mind While Begining Yoga After the C-Section?

Beginning yoga after a C-section requires a gradual and mindful approach. Start with gentle, postnatal-specific yoga classes or videos on healing and relaxation. Listen to the body and avoid poses that cause discomfort or strain on the incision site. Begin with simple stretches, deep breathing, and pelvic floor exercises to build strength and flexibility.


Are There Any Poses That a C-Section Patient Should Avoid in Postnatal Yoga?

In postnatal yoga, it is essential to avoid poses that strain the abdominal muscles and the incision site after a C-section. Poses like deep twists, strong core exercises, and intense backbends should be avoided during the initial healing phase. Additionally, poses that require lying flat on the stomach or excessive stretching of the abdominal area should be skipped. Instead, focus on gentle stretches, pelvic floor exercises, and modifications to support healing and gradual recovery.


Is a C-Section Patient Allowed to Do Kapalbhati?

After a C-section, women should avoid practicing Kapalbhati, a vigorous breathing technique involving forceful exhalations. This pranayama can strain the abdominal muscles and the incision site, potentially leading to discomfort or complications during the early postpartum period. Instead, focus on gentle breathing exercises, such as deep breathing and diaphragmatic breathing, to promote relaxation and aid recovery.


Can Women Bend After C-Section?

After a C-section, women should avoid excessive bending or movements that strain the abdominal muscles and the incision site during the initial healing phase. Bending at the waist can cause discomfort and slow the healing process. Instead, practice bending at the knees and use proper body mechanics when picking up objects or reaching for things. Gradually reintroduce bending movements as the body heals and with the approval of a healthcare provider.
Shakti Mishra
Shakti Mishra



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