HomeHealth articlespregnancyWhich Yoga Poses Are Advised During the Second Trimester of Pregnancy?

Pregnancy Yoga: Embracing Wellness in the Second Trimester

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During the second trimester of pregnancy, certain yoga poses can help relax the body, improve blood circulation, and increase digestion. Read the article below.

Medically reviewed by

Shakti Mishra

Published At July 27, 2023
Reviewed AtJuly 27, 2023


The second trimester is called the honeymoon days of pregnancy, as there will be less morning sickness and gains more energy than in the other two trimesters. The second trimester is during the period from 13 to 27 weeks. Prenatal yoga helps build strength, improve the body's flexibility, and develop balance. They can help in relaxing the mind and the body. Yoga will help reduce pregnancy symptoms like vomiting and nausea, creating a positive mental pattern.

What Are the Tips While Doing Yoga During the Second Trimester of Pregnancy?

Yoga for pregnant women will be different from other people. Most of the asanas are modified for the easiness of pregnant women. Some of them include the following-

  • Be gentle while doing each yoga pose. Respect the boundaries of the body. Always do the yoga poses slowly and carefully.

  • Expanding the belly size during pregnancy can affect the balance of the body. Take support if needed during the standing poses.

  • Avoid poses that strain the abdominal muscles, like the boat pose (navasana) or the plank pose.

  • Avoid lying on the back for a longer duration. Lying on the back can result in pressure on the inferior vena cava (vein returning blood from the lower part of the body to the heart), causing reduced blood flow to the uterus. Lying on the back can also result in nausea, dizziness, and breathlessness. When lying down on the back, use a pillow to raise the upper portion of the body.

  • While bending, keep the feet wide apart for better stability.

  • Connect with the baby in the womb during the relaxation pose.

  • Take rest after each pose, and do not overdo any asanas.

  • Focus more on mental relaxation than physical exercises.

Which Yoga Poses Are Advised During the Second Trimester of Pregnancy?

The yoga asanas practiced during the first trimester can also be continued during the second trimester. Some yoga poses include the following -

  1. Kantha and skandha sanchalana or gentle neck and shoulder rolls.

  2. Ardha titaliasana or ardha baddha konasana or half butterfly.

  3. Poorna titaliasana, baddha konasana, or full butterfly.

  4. Vajrasana or thunderbolt or hero’s pose.

  5. Marjariasana or cat stretch pose.

  6. Mandukasana or frog pose.

  7. Paschimottanasana or seated forward bend.

  8. Adho mukha svanasana or downward-facing dog.

  9. Shishuasana, balasana, or child’s pose.

  10. Tadasana or mountain pose.

  11. Urdhva hastasana or standing upward stretch or hand raising pose.

  12. Side Angle poses 1 and 2 (Konasana 1 and 2)

  13. Trikonasana or triangle pose.

  14. Virabhadrasana or warrior pose.

  15. Utthanasan or squat and rise pose or goddess pose.

  16. Vishnuasana or ananta shayanasana or lying down on sides.

  17. Markatasana or monkey twist.

What Are the Yoga Poses Done During the Second Trimester?

Some of the yoga poses that are done in the second trimester are -

  • Kantha and Skandha Sanchalana or Gentle Neck and Shoulder Rolls - Sit straight on the floor. Gently roll the head starting from the right side, then move the chin towards the chest, moving the head to the left hand, and bending backward. Continue this rolling movement three to five times and then repeat the same in the opposite direction. This will help in releasing the tension present in the head and neck muscles. Take soft and deep breaths while rolling the head.

  • Ardha Titaliasana or Ardha Baddha Konasana or Half Butterfly - Sit straight on the floor by stretching both legs forward. Bend the left knee and place the left foot on the right thigh. Keep the left hand on the top of the folded knee and the right hand on the left foot. Exhale and slowly move the left knee towards the chest. Inhale and push the knee back to the floor. Keep the spine straight. Repeat these steps on the right leg.

  • Poorna Titaliasana, Baddha Konasana, or Full Butterfly - Sit straight on the floor with the legs stretched. Bend both knees and keep the sole of the feet together. The heels should be closed to the body. Hold both feet using the hands. Slowly bounce the knees up and down. Repeat the bouncing of the knee 20 to 30 times. Return to the normal position and relax. Butterfly pose can increase the circulation of blood to the pelvic region. This pose helps the relaxation of the leg muscles.

  • Vajrasana or Thunderbolt or Hero’s Pose - Straight on the floor. Slowly kneel by bending the knee and bringing the toes together by separating the heels. Place the hips on the feet or heel. Keep both hands on the knees by facing the palms down. The spine and the head should be straight. Vajrasana helps strengthen the muscles present in the thighs. It helps in digestive functions. It can relieve the acid reflex faced by pregnant women. It strengthens the pelvic muscles that assist during labor time.

  • Marjariasana or Cat Stretch Pose - Start from the tabletop position of both hands and knees on the floor. The hands should be below shoulder level and the knees below the hips. Inhale and bend the head up while arching the spine towards the floor. Exhale and bend the head towards the chest and arch the spine upwards. Repeat these steps five to ten times. This is also called the cat-cow stretch pose. It can improve the flexibility of the neck, shoulders, and spine. This yoga pose can be practiced during the first six months of pregnancy.

  • Mandukasana or Frog Pose - Kneel on the floor by bending the knee as in vajrasana. The knees should be kept wide, allowing the back to rest on the floor. Keep the toes contacted with the floor. Do not strain too much. This post can also improve digestive functions like acid reflexes and can strengthen the muscles present in the thighs.

  • Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend - Sit straight on the floor by stretching both legs forward. Avoid pressure on the belly or stomach. Keep the spine straight. Inhale and slowly raise the arms above the head and stretch. Exhale and slowly bend forwards by touching the arms to the toes. Stretch the arms in front. Return to the seated position and repeat this ten times. This yoga pose will help stretch the muscles in the back and helps in massaging the abdominal organs.

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-Facing Dog - Start from the tabletop position, that is, by keeping both hands and knees on the floor. The hands and knees should be kept as wide as possible. Now slowly straighten the knees and elbow from the floor keeping the arms and the legs straight. Form and inverted V shape. Exhale and return to the normal position. This download-facing dog position can help in digestion, improve respiration, and strengthens the muscles present in the legs.

  • Shishuasana, Balasana, or Child’s Pose - Sit straight on the knees. The hips should be touching the feet. Keep the knees and thighs separate. Slowly bend forward by keeping the forehead on the floor. Extend the hands forward by keeping the palms facing downloads. Take gentle breaths and return to the normal position.

  • Tadasana or Mountain Pose - Stand straight on the floor by keeping the spine straight. Inhale and slowly raise the hands over the head and interlock the fingers and keep the palm facing upwards. Stretch the hands, shoulders, and chest upwards. Exhale and bring the hands on top of the head. Relax and repeat these steps five to ten times. This mountain pose helps in developing physical and mental balance.

  • Trikonasana or Triangle Pose - Stand straight on the floor. Keep the feet apart from each other and slowly bend towards the left side of the body by touching the left foot with the left hand, and the right hand should be facing upwards in the air. Return to the normal position and repeat the same on the right side. The triangle pose helps stimulate and improve blood circulation in the body. It helps to relieve pain in the legs and body.

  • Virabhadrasana Or Warrior Pose - Stand straight on the floor by keeping the feet three to four feet apart from each other. Turn the left foot perpendicular to the floor and bend the knees parallel to the floor. Keep the right foot behind in a 15-degree. Inhale and lift the arms to the level of shoulder height. Stretch the arms. Hold this position for a few minutes and repeat the same on the other side. This pose will help strengthen the ankles, knees, and shoulders.


While doing yoga poses during the pregnancy period, follow the prenatal yoga guidelines. Modify certain yoga poses according to flexibility. Avoid doing certain yoga poses which are difficult to do or uncomfortable. Yoga poses that give pressure on the abdominal muscles should be avoided. Always take support during yoga practice during pregnancy. Stop doing yoga poses if feeling nauseated, overheated, dehydrated, or have numbness.

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Shakti Mishra
Shakti Mishra



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