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Most Beneficial Yoga Poses

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Yoga poses have many benefits. Some yoga poses help in improving overall health. Read the article to know more.

Medically reviewed by

Shakti Mishra

Published At August 9, 2023
Reviewed AtAugust 28, 2023


Yoga has physical, emotional, and mental benefits. Yoga combines different body poses or asanas which help increase the body's strength, flexibility, and balance. It includes breathing exercises or the Pranayama technique, which helps control the breath. Yoga also compresses meditation techniques that help reduce stress and relax the mind. All yoga poses help in improving health, but certain poses are particularly effective in improving health.

Which Are the Most Beneficial Yoga Poses for Everyone?

The most beneficial yoga poses that everyone can practice include the following:

  • Viparita Karani or Legs up the Wall - Sit near a wall and bend the knees. Place the legs against the wall, and lie flat on the floor with the back. Keep the hip against the wall. The arms should be placed in a comfortable position. The legs should be stretched or raised straight up on the wall. Continue to hold in this position for 15 to 20 minutes. Relax and return to the normal position. The leg-up-the-wall pose helps reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and other tension. It reduces swellings in the feet. It helps in relaxing the mind and gives relief from various pain. It helps in improving thyroid function and relieves migraine and headaches. It helps increase energy, reduce tightness and discomfort in the lower back region, and decrease cramps. It helps in promoting lymphatic flow and reduces varicose veins. It helps improve the blood circulation to the body and also helps increase the digestion and sleep cycle, and balances the blood pressure.

  • Marjaryasana or Cat-Cow Stretch - Begin from the tabletop position by keeping the knees below the hip level and hands on the floor below the shoulder. The cat-cow pose is obtained by stretching the spine inward and outwards. Keep the feet perpendicular to the floor. Push the tailbone and stretch the spine outwards by keeping the neck stretched. Drop the stomach downwards. Gaze towards the roof. This will form the cow pose. Keep the top of the feet towards the floor. Tuck the tailbone inwards and make an arch with the spine inwards. Bring the navel towards the spine and drop down the head while gazing towards the navel. This will form the cat pose. Repeat these steps while inhaling and exhaling. Continue these for ten breaths and relax and return to the normal position. This cat-cow stretch help in increasing the blood circulation in the disc in the back region. It also helps in improving balance and posture. It helps in reducing stress and society and depression.

  • Adho Mukha Shwasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose - Start from the tabletop position by keeping both hands and knees on the floor. The toes should be touching the floor. Spread the legs and hands slightly apart from each other. Slowly lift the knee from the floor and raise the pelvic region upwards. Form an inverted V shape using the upper and lower part of the body. Take deep breaths in this position and continue to hold in this position for a few minutes. Relax and return to the normal position. This pose helps in increasing blood circulation to the brain. And it also helps in reducing pain.

  • Apanasana or Knees or Chest Pose - Lie on the floor in a supine position. Bend the knees by keeping the feet on the floor. Inhale, lift the feet from the floor, and bring the knees towards the body. Rap the hands around the knee. Exhale and press the knees towards the chest. Keep the shoulders and neck relaxed, and bring the chin towards the chest. Hold this position for a few minutes, relax, and return to normal. Continue to do this asana six to ten times. This knees-to-chest pose help in increasing the flexibility of the body and reduces pain.

  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge Pose - Lie on the floor supine, bend the knees, and keep the feet parallel to the floor at the hip width. The hands should be kept beside the body on both sides by facing the palms downward. Inhale and lift the pelvic region from the ground by rolling the spine. Press the feet, shoulders, and arms against the floor. Lift the chest from the floor. Take deep breaths and hold in this position for ten breaths. Relax and return to the normal position. This pose helps strengthen the muscles present in the body and lengthens the spine. It also helps in the stimulation of the nervous system and endocrine glands.

  • Baddha Konasana or Cobbler’s Pose - Sit straight on the floor, bend the knees, and bring the sole of the feet to close together. Keep the spine straight. Bring the feet close to the body. Place the hands on the feet by holding both feet together close. This pose helps increase the body's flexibility and reduces pain in the back region.

  • Utkatasana or Chair Pose - Stand straight on the floor by keeping the feet slightly apart. Stretch the hands forward by keeping the palms facing downloads. Bend the knees and lower the pelvic region, like sitting in an imaginary chair. The hands should be kept parallel and straight toward the floor. Lengthen the spine and relax. Hold in this position for a few minutes, relax, and return to the normal position. This pose helps in stretching the muscles present in the chest. It helps strengthen the lower back region and balances the body.

  • Salabhasana or Locust Pose - Lie down on the belly on the floor. Keep the body straight and place the hands beside the body on both sides. Lift the lower leg from the floor upwards by stretching straight. Lift the chest and head from the floor. The hands can be placed above the hip region by touching each other behind the back. Hold in this position for a few minutes, relax, and return to the normal position. These poses help improve posture, strengthen the spine, and reduce pain in the back region. It helps stimulate the abdominal organs, thereby improving digestion. It reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. It helps in stretching the muscles present in the shoulder, chest, and leg and also helps in increasing flexibility. It helps increase appetite, improves blood circulation, and regulates metabolism. It helps in decreasing blood pressure and improving concentration.

What Are the Benefits of Yoga?

The benefits of yoga include:

  • It helps increase balance and flexibility by stretching and strengthening the muscles in the body.

  • Decreases stress and anxiety by increasing relaxation in the body and keeping the mind and body calm.

  • It helps increase strength and endurance.

  • Improve the immune system by increasing blood flow and lymphatic flow.

  • Increases cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure and inflammation.

  • Improves the sleep cycle.

  • Increases digestion.

  • Help in increasing concentration and focus.

  • Improve overall health and well-being.


Each yoga pose has a unique benefit to the mind and body. The yoga pose is considered to be beneficial if it gives a positive feeling to the body and improves overall well-being. Always get help from a qualified yoga teacher to know the proper technique and alignment to reduce injury and increase the benefits of yoga.

Shakti Mishra
Shakti Mishra



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