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Positions to Relieve Gas While Pregnant - A Complete Guide

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Pregnant women commonly experience gas and bloating during pregnancy. It can be due to physiological and hormonal changes.

Medically reviewed by

Mohammed Wajid

Published At January 9, 2024
Reviewed AtJanuary 9, 2024


Bloating and gas are common during pregnancy due to hormonal and physiological changes. These affect the digestion system. Excessive gas production can cause discomfort to the pregnant women. Pregnant women may feel stomach pain, passing gas, burping, bloating, and increased stomach size. The gas trapped does not affect the fetus. Gas and bloating can come and go, but can be annoying for pregnant women. Several positions can alleviate the gas and bloating and help in easing discomfort. It promotes digestion. The article discusses pregnancy gas, its causes, symptoms, and positions or poses to relieve gas while pregnant.

What Is Pregnancy Gas?

Every individual passes the gas. During digestion, the bacteria in the stomach and intestines help break down the ingested food. An individual also ingests air during eating, drinking, laughing, talking, and breathing. Gas can also lead to stomach bloating, which gives a feeling of fullness and stomach swelling. It leads to an increase in the size of the abdomen. Pregnancy gas is called flatulence or bloating. It may cause discomfort to the pregnant women. To get relief, releasing gas by passing gas or burping is necessary. But, it does not cause any harm to the developing little one.

What Are the Causes of Gas During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy gas is common. It can be due to various factors, such as hormonal, dietary, physiological, and lifestyle changes. The common causes of gas during pregnancy are as follows:

  • Hormonal Changes: The main hormone associated with gas trapping is the progesterone. An increase in progesterone levels is important for maintaining pregnancy. It helps in the relaxation of smooth muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. This will lead to the slow movement of food through the digestive tract. A decrease in digestion can cause gas accumulation.

  • Pressure From the Uterus: The growing uterus can pressure the intestines and other stomach organs. More pressure can block the movement of the gas in the digestive tract, leading to bloating and gas accumulation.

  • Dietary Changes: An alteration in dietary habits during pregnancy can cause gas accumulation. Pregnant women use more fiber content to prevent constipation, which can cause an increase in gas production. Food rich in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables, can cause gas formation.

  • Iron Supplements: The healthcare provider usually recommends iron supplements in pregnancy, which may cause gas accumulation.

  • Dehydration: Insufficient water intake during pregnancy can cause bloating and slow movement of stool through the intestine.

What Are the Common Gas-Causing Foods During Pregnancy?

Several foods during pregnancy can cause gas accumulation and bloating. The common gas-causing foods during pregnancy are as follows:

  • Fiber-rich foods include beans, lentils, broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, and cabbage.

  • Whole grains bread, cereals, pasta, and rice.

  • Dairy products include milk, cheese, ice cream, and yogurt.

  • High-fructose fruits, such as apples, pears, and cherries.

  • Sugary foods include sorbitol, xylitol, soft drinks, and carbonated beverages.

  • Cruciferous vegetables, such as onions, radishes, garlic, and turnips.

  • Hig-fat foods, such as fried foods and meats.

  • Spicy foods.

What Are the Symptoms Associated With Gas During Pregnancy?

The common symptoms associated with gas during pregnancy are as follows:

  • The feeling of stomach fullness.

  • Passing gas from the rectum with an audible sound.

  • Abdominal discomfort or pain.

  • Abdominal cramps.

  • Increased burping.

  • Mild to moderate pain in the upper part of the abdomen.

  • Back pain.

  • Heartburn and chest discomfort.

What Are the Positions to Relieve Gas While Pregnant?

Certain positions or exercises can relieve trapped gas from the digestive system. The positions that can relax the stomach muscles and help in releasing gas are described below:

  • Child Pose: The other name for Child Pose is Balasana. Pregnant women have to sit on their heels. Stretch arms and chest towards the floor. Then, position the forehead toward the ground. Hold this position for 30 seconds to five minutes. This yoga position helps relieve gas and remove tension in the lower back area.
  • Standing Twist: The person has to stand upright with feet firm on the floor. Place feet and shoulders apart and hold the wall for stability.
  • Seated Twist: The person can keep buttocks on the floor, and legs stretched ahead of the body. Gently twist the torso part.
  • Seated Forward Fold: The person can use a mat for the positions or exercise. The person has to sit upright with legs apart. By keeping the legs straight, gently and slowly bend forward.
  • Squats: Squats can help in relieving gas. The person can hold a wall for stability. For support, they can use a block under the feet. Pregnant women have to stand with feet apart. The face of the feet should be outward facing. The weight should be on the heels and bend the knees in the same line of toes.
  • Knee-to-Chest Pose: To relieve wind from the stomach, the knee-to-chest pose can be done. The pose should not be done for extended periods. Pregnant women must lie on their backs and slowly kneel toward the chest. Likewise, move the chin toward the chest.
  • Happy Baby Pose: Pregnant women have to lie on their backs. They should avoid lying down in this position for a long period. Extend the knees toward the side. They can hold their feet with the help of their hands.
  • Seated Rocking: For this position, use an exercise ball. Pregnant women have to sit on an exercise ball and rock like a chair in a back-and-forth motion. This will help in relieving gas from the stomach.
  • Reclining Position: Pregnant women can lie on their left side with their knees bent. This will help in providing relief from gas trapping.
  • Cat-Cow Pose: The person has to place their hands and knees on the floor. The one position is like a cat by arching the back between the hands and knees. The other position is like a cow dipping their back. This pose helps in relieving gas accumulation.
  • Standing and Walking: Pregnant women can gently walk, which will help in promoting digestion.
  • Deep Breathing Exercises: Practicing deep breathing exercises helps in promoting gas accumulation.


In conclusion, pregnancy gas is commonly experienced by pregnant women. These can be due to hormonal and physiological alterations. Pregnant women need to practice yoga positions to get relief from the gas accumulation and promote the movement of gas in the abdomen. These yoga poses help move gas in the digestive system and promote a more comfortable pregnancy experience. For personalized advice, they need to consult an online healthcare provider.

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Mohammed Wajid
Mohammed Wajid



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