HomeHealth articlesbiofeedbackWhat Is Biofeedback?

Biofeedback - Types and System

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Biofeedback is a method of enhancing the capacity to alter unconscious processes consciously. It is one of the relaxation techniques. Read on to know more.

Medically reviewed by

Mohammed Wajid

Published At December 20, 2022
Reviewed AtJanuary 19, 2023


Controllable voluntary motions include hand and leg movements. The nervous system automatically regulates other bodily functions, including blood pressure, skin temperature, and heart rate. Nobody is unaware of the possibility of raising the heart rate. Simply said, it occurs in reaction to the surroundings, such as when someone is anxious, euphoric, or working out.

One method for increasing control over these often unconscious activities is biofeedback. It is a therapy used to help cure or prevent diseases, including migraine headaches, chronic pain, incontinence, and high blood pressure.

What Is Biofeedback?

  • A mind-body therapy called biofeedback can enhance both physical and emotional wellness.

  • A practitioner will utilize painless sensors to assess certain body functions during a biofeedback session.

  • After viewing the findings on a screen, users may experiment with ways to alter them.

  • One will eventually be able to adapt without the tools with practice.

  • Users can address health issues and gain better control over some bodily systems with the assistance of this knowledge.

  • The concept behind biofeedback is that people may have more control over their health by using the power of their minds and becoming aware of what is happening within their bodies.

  • Depending on the characteristic of interest, biofeedback is divided into two broad categories:

    • Biomechanical.

    • Physiologic.

  • Simple inertial or more sophisticated video motion sensors are used in biomechanical approaches to monitor bodily activity and movement.

What Is the Goal of Biofeedback Therapy?

The purpose of biofeedback is to alter the body subtly so that the desired consequence occurs. It could entail relaxing specific muscles, a slower heartbeat, or lessening discomfort.

What Are the Types of Biofeedback?

Depending on the health issues and objectives, the doctor or therapist may employ various biofeedback techniques.

  1. Electrocardiograph (ECG): This type of electrocardiograph (ECG) combines earlobe or finger sensors with a tool that measures changes in blood volume (photoplethysmography). Alternatively, sensors that detect the heart rate and how it fluctuates might be attached to either wrist, lower torso, or chest.
  2. Electromyograph (EMG): This kind employs an electromyograph (EMG) to detect the electrical activity that results in muscle contraction by putting sensors over your skeletal muscles.
  3. Electrodermograph (EDG): It detects the activity of the sweat glands. Electrodermograph (EDG) sensors fitted around your fingers, palm, or wrist assess the amount of sweat on your skin and the activity of your sweat glands, alerting you to worry.
  4. Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs): Patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D), and even those with prediabetes, are increasingly able to use continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) as a real-time biofeedback and behavior modification tool. This study investigates if self-monitoring of glucose levels, or biofeedback, influences individuals' health behaviors who are not diabetic (for example, eating, nutrition, and exercise). This study uses wearable continuous glucose (CGM) technology, giving participants individualized input to monitor their blood glucose levels.
  5. Analysis of Gait: During a strenuous walking exercise, knee-kinetic biofeedback can prompt immediate improvements in gait characteristics. Visual knee-kinetic biofeedback methods may help correct gait irregularities during demanding jobs after complete knee replacement (TKA). The many signals that define the human stride are recorded using several sensors. These include active markers, extensometers, goniometers, magnetometers, force sensors, gyroscopic sensors, accelerometers, electromyography, and magnetometers.
  6. Temperature Gauges: Blood flow to human skin is measured by sensors affixed to either fingers or feet. Because stress frequently causes a drop in body temperature, a standard measurement may serve as a signal to start relaxing measures.
  7. Polysomnography: It tracks individual sleep cycles and stages to determine whether and when overall sleep patterns are disturbed and when and why. Home testing equipment for sleep apnea comes in various designs and configurations. They often keep track of their heart rate, oxygen levels, breathing rate, and airflow. Biofeedback stimulation methods for preventing bruxism while sleeping (SB).

What Is a Biofeedback System?

Hospitals, medical facilities, and physical therapy clinics provide biofeedback training. There are also an increasing number of biofeedback products and services available for home usage, such as

  1. Interactive Software or Portable Electronics - Some biofeedback devices use one or more sensors connected to either fingers or ears to detect physiological changes in the human body, such as heart rate activity and skin changes. The sensors are computer plug-ins.

  2. The Gadgets - They assist in managing stress by pacing one's breathing, relaxing muscles, and creating encouraging thoughts about their capacity to handle situations. It works effectively at enhancing reactions to stress and bringing about emotions of serenity and well-being.

  3. Headband - Wearing a headband that measures human brain activity while meditating is another form of biofeedback treatment. In order to teach users how to regulate their stress reaction, it employs noises to let them know when their mind is peaceful and when it is busy. One may track the development over time by storing the data from each session on any computer or mobile device.

  4. Wearable Technology - Includes strapping a sensor around the waist to measure breathing patterns and monitor breathing. The application can notify users if they experience persistent stress and provides guided breathing exercises to aid in calming down.

Can Biofeedback Aid in Weight Loss?

  • With biofeedback, anyone can begin addressing these issues and simply monitor their progress, reducing stress and anxiety and setting the stage for them to lose weight.

  • Laying out is an essential adjustment in lifestyle.

  • Planning sustainable lifestyle changes are necessary to accomplish anything long-lasting, and biofeedback is the ideal tool.

  • By highlighting the components of one's life that require adjustment, one may get started on the adjustments right now.

  • Having good glucose levels during sleep hours affects sleep quality and recovery. Utilize the nocturnal glucose insights to improve these levels.

  • The glucose fluctuations can determine metabolic fitness. The metabolism provides information on the capacity to burn fat, energy level, risk of metabolic disorders, athletic performance, and sexual health.

  • In the globe, metabolic disorders, including diabetes, hypertension, PCOS, and obesity, account for 85 % of all chronic illnesses.

  • Bathroom scales and smartwatches are also biofeedback types that give us the data required to track the progress in weight loss transformation. Without proper tracking and accountability, one cannot progress toward their goal.

  • So, to answer the above question, yes, biofeedback is helpful in weight loss.


Biofeedback is based on "mindfulness." By paying attention to how one's body reacts to stresses and other stimuli, anyone may alter their health with the right strategies. With techniques that can aid everyone in achieving health and balance physically and psychologically, biofeedback can help them through it.

Frequently Asked Questions


How Do Unconscious Thought Processes Affect Behavior?

Unconscious thought processes can significantly impact behavior, as they influence our perceptions, attitudes, and motivations without our awareness. These processes include automatic associations, implicit biases, and conditioned responses that can shape our behavior and decision-making. For example, an unconscious fear of failure may prevent someone from pursuing new opportunities, while implicit biases may lead individuals to make discriminatory decisions without realizing them. We can better understand and modify our behavior by increasing awareness of these unconscious processes.


What Is the Relationship between Consciousness and Other Mental Processes?

Consciousness is a fundamental aspect of mental processing, as it refers to the subjective awareness of our thoughts, perceptions, and experiences. Other mental processes, such as attention, perception, memory, and decision-making, are closely related to consciousness as they contribute to our world experience. The precise nature of the relationship between consciousness and these other mental processes is a topic of ongoing research and debate among psychologists and neuroscientists.


How Does the Unconscious Mind Impact Behavior?

The unconscious mind refers to mental processes that occur outside of our awareness, including automatic thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. These processes can significantly impact our behavior, even if we are unaware. For example, unconscious biases and beliefs can influence our perceptions and decisions, and unconscious emotional reactions can affect our behavior without realizing it. By becoming more aware of our unconscious processes through therapy or mindfulness, we can gain greater control over our behavior and improve our mental well-being.


How Does Unconscious Bias Influence Recruitment?

Unconscious bias influences the process of recruitment in several ways. A recruiter tends to favor candidates about their background, education, or personality without realizing it. It causes a lack of diversity in the workplace. Unconscious bias can also result in stereotypes and assumptions about certain groups, affecting how candidates are evaluated and selected. To reduce the effect of unconscious bias in recruitment, organizations can implement strategies such as blind resume reviews and diverse interview panels.


How Does Unconsciousness Function?

Unconsciousness refers to a state in which an individual is unaware of their surroundings and unable to respond to external stimuli. Various factors, such as anesthesia, head trauma, or a medical condition, cause it. While the exact mechanisms of unconsciousness are not fully understood, it is thought to involve disruptions in the activity of neurons in the brainstem and thalamus responsible for regulating consciousness.


How Does Hypnosis Impact Consciousness?

Hypnosis is a state of consciousness in which an individual is highly focused and receptive to suggestions. During hypnosis, the brain may undergo changes in activity, such as increased activity in the prefrontal cortex and decreased activity in the parietal cortex, which are involved in self-awareness and attention to external stimuli. 
This can result in a shift in consciousness, with individuals experiencing a sense of detachment from their surroundings and increased suggestibility. While the exact mechanisms of hypnosis are not fully understood, it is thought to involve changes in neural activity and the modulation of cognitive processes such as attention and memory. Hypnosis has been used for various purposes, including pain management, smoking cessation, and anxiety reduction.


How Does Consciousness Shift during Sleep?

During sleep, consciousness undergoes several shifts and changes. The brain transitions through different stages of sleep, including non-REM (NREM) and REM sleep, which are associated with distinct patterns of neural activity and changes in consciousness. During NREM sleep, the brain is less active, and consciousness is more subdued, with individuals experiencing little to no awareness of their surroundings. During REM sleep, on the other hand, the brain becomes more active, and individuals may experience vivid dreams and increased awareness even though they are still technically asleep. These shifts in consciousness during sleep are thought to be regulated by changes in neurotransmitter activity and the modulation of brain waves, such as the appearance of theta and delta waves during NREM sleep and beta and gamma waves during REM sleep.


In What Ways Does the Unconscious Mind Influence Behavior?

The unconscious mind can influence behavior in various ways. For example, unconscious biases and beliefs can shape our perceptions and attitudes toward others, leading to implicit stereotypes and prejudices. Unconscious emotions and desires can also influence behavior, such as when we experience anxiety or fear without being aware of the underlying cause. Automatic thoughts and behaviors, which occur without conscious awareness or intention, can also impact our behavior, such as when we automatically reach for a snack when we feel stressed or bored.


What Altered State of Consciousness May Be Caused by an Excess of Dopamine?

Excess dopamine can lead to an altered state of consciousness known as a hyperarousal or hyperdopaminergic state. This state is characterized by heightened sense of alertness, increased energy, and an exaggerated response to sensory stimuli. It can also result in hyperactivity, impulsivity, and risk-taking behaviors. Excessive dopamine levels have been linked to various conditions, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and addiction. In these cases, medications that reduce dopamine activity often help regulate behavior and improve symptoms.


What Level of Consciousness Controls Involuntary Body Processes?

The autonomic nervous system controls the body's consciousness level that controls the body's involuntary movement to regulate various functions such as heart rate, breathing, digestion, and temperature regulation. The autonomic nervous system comprises two branches: the sympathetic nervous system, responsible for the "fight or flight" response. The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the "rest and digest" response.


What Altered State of Consciousness Is Caused by Physiological Factors?

There are several altered states of consciousness that can be caused by physiological factors, such as changes in brain activity or biochemistry. For example, sleep is an altered state of consciousness characterized by reduced awareness and changes in neural activity. Other examples include hypoxia, a lack of oxygen to the brain that can cause confusion, dizziness, and disorientation, and hypoglycemia, a drop in blood sugar levels that can cause weakness, fatigue, and impaired cognitive function. Certain medical conditions, such as epilepsy or dementia, can also cause altered states of consciousness.


How Does Consciousness Change during Sleep?

Consciousness changes during sleep as the brain cycles through different stages, including non-REM (NREM) and REM sleep. During NREM sleep, consciousness is subdued, while during REM sleep, the brain becomes more active, and individuals may experience vivid dreams and increased awareness. These shifts in consciousness during sleep are thought to be regulated by changes in neurotransmitter activity and brain waves.
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Mohammed Wajid
Mohammed Wajid



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